The Problem
A major manufacturing company experienced a devastating Ransomware attack targeting all their document servers and individual workstation systems. Without any unaffected backups for their critical files, the company was on the brink of paying a multimillion-dollar ransom to recover essential work-related documents.
The Purpose-Built Solution
After in-depth consultation with the company’s IT staff, we identified an offline email backup. We then proceeded to recover the emails and meticulously extracted all the attachments. This strategy allowed us to reconstruct the documents that were previously housed on both the servers and the individual workstations. Post-recovery, we transitioned the company to an M365 installation to offer enhanced continuity and redundancy, safeguarding them from future potential disruptions.
The Product
Our innovative approach led to the recovery of over 95% of both the emails and vital company documents. Most importantly, the client was spared from making any payment to the ransomware culprits. By pivoting to the M365 platform, the company now benefits from heightened security and resilience against future threats.